Examining The Economic Impact Of The Downeaster With three stops in Massachusetts, three in New Hampshire and six in Maine, the Amtrak® DowneasterSM (Brunswick – Boston) transports thousands of daily riders who contribute millions of dollars to local economies. Named for the “down east” region of Maine, the service made its first run on Dec. 15, 2001. Five daily round trips currently operate along the 145-mile route. Since 2005, the Downeaster has more than doubled ridership; in the fiscal year 2016, it carried just over half a million customers. Many of the communities along the route are experiencing economic growth as developers recognize the benefits of building close to public transportation. Having Amtrak near shopping and entertainment is a boon for developers. According to the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA), which provides funding for the service, the Downeaster transports more than 100,000 annual visitors to Maine, who contribute $29 million in economic impact. This includes visitors to the popular shopping destination of Freeport, where L.L. Bean’s flagship store has stood for more than a century. greatamericanstations.com/examining-the-economic-impact-of-the-downeaster/